A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
All are Welcome.

Friday, February 14, 2025

CALLING ALL ARMY MEDIC’s!! 68W’s, Air Force Medics, Coast Guard Corpsman & Interntaional Doc’s

Come on in and join the Corpsman.com Fold.

Myth:  We are a site only for Navy Corpsman.

Fact:   We are a site for “ALL” Enlisted Doc’s from all U.S. Services.

Myth: We don’t like Medic’s from other Nations, I.e Brit’s, Aussies, Frenchies, etc..

FACT:  We do indeed want Medic’s from all Nations to join our site, we are even thinking of starting a forum for Medic’s of all Nations.

We serve more and more togethor, heck we are even moving down to your neck of the woods in San Antonio.  You had better be able to show us Navy Swabbies a good time!  Don’t worry we can put the Air Force Weenies in the closet and lock it.. (I Kiiiid.. I kiiiid, The Air Force has the $$ they can buy the drinks!)
Look like in real life all of us are falling under “1” Umbrella soon,  Help us make Corpsman.com a place called home for you as well.

I am looking for folks who are in both the Army as well a as the Air Force and Coast Guard who know your systems well enough to join our team and help us help our fellow Soldiers, Airmen, and Coast Gaurdsmen and Guardswomen.

We have also served with other NATO and UN forces.  Our medic’s have cared for Aussies, Brit’s, etc.. And they have taken care of our mates as well.

A Doc is a DOC.

Please Join our free Scuttlebutt forums, then intro yourself in the quarterdeck.

If you want more info, please email 8404 @ 8404@corpsman.com, or myself @ admin1@corpsman.com.

As Uncle Sam used to say..
Uncle Sam I Want You

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