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Friday, February 14, 2025

SecDef calls for Congress to mandate that Guard, Reserves have lead in DoD ops in the homeland

This is from the Navytimes.  Things are changing my friends. How long will TAR/FTS Sailors be relevant? Interesting read…

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates took a giant step Monday toward more tightly blending the active-duty military and reserve components into an “integrated total force,” calling for wide-ranging personnel policy changes, codifying the reserves’ homeland defense role and adequately funding oft-overlooked reserve equipment requirements.

In a Monday memo sent to every senior uniformed and civilian Pentagon leader and copied to three other cabinet secretaries, Gates directed the development of a new Total Force Integration Policy that recognizes the “cultural divide that exists” between the active and reserve components. “All vestiges of the cultural prejudice” that remain in law “should be removed” by Congress, he wrote.

Gates also called upon Congress to “mandate that the National Guard and Reserves have the lead role in and form the backbone of DoD operations in the homeland.”

Congress, the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves it chartered and the Pentagon, Gates wrote in his 41-page memo, “all recognize that the National Guard and the Reserves are integral to the Total Force and have assumed a greater operational role in today’s force.”

The commission distributed the memo Monday evening in advance of the Pentagon’s planned Tuesday release.

Gates endorsed 82 of the 95 recommendations issued by the commission in its final report in January — some of the 82, he noted, have already been completed or are currently being implemented.

Twenty of the 82 recommendations will require the support of Congress; one asks the president to direct all federal agencies to issue guidance emphasizing the importance of reserve service and to prescribe sanctions for civilian supervisors who fail to comply with guidelines regarding treatment of reservists.

The directives and recommendations represent a near-sweeping endorsement of three years of work by the commission, which said that significant reforms were needed to support the reserve component’s relatively new operational status, including management of the reserves as part of an integrated force.

Gates agreed, saying the Pentagon needs to blend the promotion and management of active and reserve enlisted troops and, separately, officers, into integrated manpower systems. Promotions, Gates said, should be based on the achievement of competencies, not just years of service; the services should tailor “the timing of and opportunity for promotion” by career field, “depending on service requirements.” The moves would require legislation.

Two recommendations would be annual budget action items. Gates ordered that designated “lead offices” for the remaining recommendations submit their implementation plans to the under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness within 25 days.

“The commission members and I are extremely pleased with today’s announcement,” said commission chairman Arnold Punaro in a statement that accompanied its release of the memo. Gates’ decisions, he said, “were not easy to reach and will not be easy to implement” … but are “changes that are essential if the Guard and Reserves are to remain fully capable of meeting current and future threats.”

Several of the commission’s recommendations have already been adopted, including the elevation of the National Guard to a joint activity of the Defense Department and elevating the National Guard Bureau’s chief to 4-star rank.

Gates also:

• Directed the formation of a senior study group to review the current duty status structure, including the commission’s recommendation to reduce the number of duty statuses from 29 to two: on active duty, and off;

• Directed the services to conduct a “baseline review” of reserve component equipment requirements, “some of which remain tied to Cold War force management and a strategic reserve”;

• Directed the Army and Marine Corps to restore their reserve components to the highest level of readiness “as soon as possible” but no later than 2015;

• Directed the bolstering of reserve component family support services programs, particularly for transition assistance during the mobilization and demobilization process;

• Said that senior leaders at service headquarters and large commands “must be held accountable for the readiness and performance” of reserve component forces “within their purview” and that the responsibilities “must be reflected in job descriptions and performance appraisals”;

• Asked Congress to amend the Goldwater-Nichols Act to require reserve officers to be designated as “joint qualified” and, at the end of a 10-year transition period, to make joint qualification “a criterion for promotion to flag and general officer rank”;

• Asked Congress to direct the Pentagon to simplify the Tricare claims and reimbursement process to eliminate current “disincentives that discourage providers from taking part” in the program;

• Asked Congress to create a single entity that would oversee the entire Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.


4 Responses to “SecDef calls for Congress to mandate that Guard, Reserves have lead in DoD ops in the homeland”
  1. HM1 Incompetent says:

    Wow. The utter ignorance you have displayed with your post is amazing. I am not sure how you declare that we are a majority of incompetent people but I imagine that you may want to see a therapist for your issues. These “incompetent” people you speak of are the same ones that have fought and died for EACH OTHER every day for more than a century now. You obviously need to do a little bit more research into world affairs and the political world we live in. What do you want the U.S. to do when we disband our military and the enemy starts knocking on our doors?! Maybe we should hide behind people like you so you can take the first bullet …hero.

  2. Da_Chief says:

    You know I was waiting to see who would answer this.. I didn't want to be the only one to do so..

    Thanks HM1!!! Awesome post..


  3. HM1 Incompetent says:

    Wow. The utter ignorance you have displayed with your post is amazing. I am not sure how you declare that we are a majority of incompetent people but I imagine that you may want to see a therapist for your issues. These “incompetent” people you speak of are the same ones that have fought and died for EACH OTHER every day for more than a century now. You obviously need to do a little bit more research into world affairs and the political world we live in. What do you want the U.S. to do when we disband our military and the enemy starts knocking on our doors?! Maybe we should hide behind people like you so you can take the first bullet …hero.

  4. Da_Chief says:

    You know I was waiting to see who would answer this.. I didn't want to be the only one to do so..

    Thanks HM1!!! Awesome post..
