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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Did you go to Denny’s yesterday?? How was the Experience?

Man.. I missed out…

I missed out on the National Holiday announced by Denny’s on the Superbowl broadcast.

On February 3rd from 0600-1400, you could eat at Denny’s and get a Free Grand Slam Breakfast.

Ohh the HUMANITY!! Make Denny’s “TIME MAGAZINE’s” Person of the year for 2009!!

Hey it’s a hard year.. the economy sucks.. folks are having a hard time joining the Armed Forces because none of you are getting out now due to the job climate. (Smart Folks I say…)

But do you think our Brothers and Sisters in Arms were able to go to this event, heck No.. I could see it now..

HN Shmuckatelli walks up to HMC CrazyCajun with a Special Request Chit..

“Hey Chief, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure HN, what can I do for you”?

“I realize it’s late giving you this Chit (Being it’s Monday) But a National Holiday cropped up on Sunday I knew nothing about!”

The Wise old HMC scratches his chin.. Takes a Sip of Coffee……

“What Holiday is this that you forgot about”?

The HN Promptly hands the HMC his Special request chit asking for Special Lib from 0600-1400 to attend a free meal at Denny’s…

Chief’s response..

“)%($*)(%$)@$#)($*)(#*$#)(*#&*%(&*(%&%#&#%*(@_@_!_  GET OUT OF MY OFFICE, AND GET ME SOME COFFEE”!!
See none of us got to go to Denny’s.. but last I saw, HMC CrazyCajun was hightailing it to his Truck..

Dennys Grand Slam

Dennys Grand Slam


Read this article from the Chicago Tribune.. Too funny as well:

Getting Slammed


2 Responses to “Did you go to Denny’s yesterday?? How was the Experience?”
  1. 8404 says:

    Ahem….I don't see a bottle of Tabasco or a bowl of SOS! tsk tsk tsk……

  2. DeeDee says:

    i think the Hot Sauce and SOS were being delivered to the table as the picture was being taken.