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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

We are looking for a few good Women and Men.. To write for our site.

October 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Nice "BLUE" Cammies

Nice "BLUE" Cammies

I just realized that I have been asking for help from contributers for our site via email or on our Podcast, but never on here, the face of Corpsman.com.

What an oversight.. I mean a real humdinger.

So to rectify this, I am putting out the word.

Are you the Uniform police? Are you the resident expert that your command uses for all things uniform in the Navy or Army as a Doc?

Do you back up your advice with hard written facts?  In other words do you use the manuals/instructions to back your advice up?

If you are and would like to be a part of the team here to answer question of all things uniform, and also write articles, please give us a hollar at “admin1@corpsman.com” and I will get back to you ASAP.

I might also use a segment on our Podcast called the “UNIFORM MINUTE” where you can go over history or news on the uniforms, to keep our Doc’s in the know.

So come on board the CrazyTrain..



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