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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

AOTC#98, Support Corpsman.com in the Month of December!–Final

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

We only had 4 folks show up for the taping, but my stats show that 178 folks downloaded our netcast from last week.  This is awesome, I understand that everyone can’t be on when we tape, but you can download the podcast or listen to it here.   You can download it on ITUNES, Subscriber here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/corpsman-com-attack-da-chief/id260115545 .

December is our month where we ask for support from our patrons, our family who love our site.  It’s the only month where we actively ask for support.  Yes every once in a while we put a donate to corpsman.com in our emails etc, but this is only to remind folks that they can, and their is a button to do so..(READ: For the new users).

“There is no business like show business!”


You all don’t understand the work and effort that goes into producing a show like AOTC.  We honestly are starting for next week’s show as we were taping this show.  But I digress, this weeks show almost didn’t go down, due to a few family things here.  But 8404 manned the helm and battened down the hatches and gave the heave-ho etc.. (In other words the show notes you can download below look as professional as they do, due to his diligence.)

Episode #98 was probably our best show yet, as far as smoothness etc.  We will be taping #99 next week, and our “100’th” show before the end of the year.  I hope you all can show up for that one, as I want to have a bang up reflection show for that one.. It will probably be our longest.. and yeah I will probably tear up on camera and bawl like a baby.. 😉

But tonight’s is mixed .. Episode #98 is “FINALIZED”.. I hope you enjoy it..





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