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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Doc Pardue’s helpful PTSD Info


The holidays can be a rough season for the normal person.  It can be “HELL” for someone who is suffering from “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” (PTSD) from combat.

In the month of December this year alone, I have spoken or written to 3 folks who have asked for help, be it on Active Duty, or dealing with the VA for a rating.

Lucky for us, we have a member on our site who is also the National Commander of the “National Association of Medic’s and Corpsmen” , Doc Pardue.

Doc has been a member of our site since I took it over back in 2004.  He has helped me and others on our site begin to understand how PTSD is hurting our Veterans, their families and friends.

More importantly though, he is steering folks in the right direction to get help.

During our telethon (Episode #99) Doc took some called us and gave us some info to post on the site.  I am relaying the links here.  Please contact me or him if you have any questions.

From Doc Pardue:

Thanks for the time on your telethon…here is the information you wanted.

http://www.medics-corpsmen.org/ (medic-corpsmen site)  They can download an application to join

http://www.freewebs.com/kerrypardue (My book website)…go to link Pardue’s Bandaids…will find a couple of things
a.  Why My PTSD is different than yours…medic-corpsmen PTSD issues
b.  How to file a claim for disability for PTSD
They can call me or email me anytime…will be glad to listen and help guide them down the right path.

Remember we are always here to help you or steer you in the right direction. You do not have to suffer alone.  We can get you help.



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