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Friday, February 14, 2025

hospitalcorpsman.org and other updates..

Attack of Da-Chief, Corpsman.com Netcast

Greetings Mates!

Just wanted to touch on a few things..

  • I spoke with Chief Indy about getting the site (hospitalcorpsman.org) back up.  It essentially became his baby about a year ago. Since then a few things have happened.

— I switched servers which fubarred everything up.
— Indy moved from Great Lakes to San Antonio to start up a new school, you might have heard about it.
— Indy and his wife (Both Navy serving in San Antonio) just had their first child. (Congrats!!)
So they have been busy.  He relayed to me when he can get under 60+ hour work weeks, he’ll get right on it! 

  • AOTC (Attack of Da-Chief) Podcast.  I will be recording a new one in 2 weeks.  Most likely will be done early on Saturday Mornings.  It’s the only time I have available in my schedule.  I am hoping to get 8404 back in the saddle again as well… Every good gilligan needs a skipper(MARINE) to wack him over the head to keep things even keel!!
  • I wanted to say it’s good to be back on here.. It’s also good to see some of the oldies but goodies coming back.. 8404, DANM (Who never left), SARC88 and others.. The numbers are jumping again.  We are putting out quality reliable information.

Well gotta run, already worked today and am waiting for my coding class tonight.  Won’t be out of here till 2200.

Semper Gumby!


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