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Friday, February 14, 2025

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Holidays, Military Family

Wishing a joyous and holiday season to everyone from all of us here at Corpsman.com. Please be safe and we’ll see you in the new year! Tweet

Happy Thanksgiving

A very happy Thanksgiving to all! In between the enjoyment of food, family and friends, lets take a moment to remember those who can’t be home for the holidays and are still keeping up the fight overseas. Have a great day, be safe and many thanks from all of us here at Corpsman.com. Tweet

Full Advancement Results!

            Active Duty: [slideshare id=15269083&doc=cy216hm-its-121120130624-phpapp01&type=d]   Full Time Support: [slideshare id=15269082&doc=cy216fts-121120130624-phpapp02&type=d]   Congratulations to all those selected! Stay tuned for this cycle’s Reserve results hopefully coming soon! Tweet

Things change, but they stay in the family

In 2004, I was privileged to be given the Corpsman.com domain to work with from a former Doc.  His life’s journey had taken him off to do other things.  It was a gift of a lifetime for me. I love my rate in which I served for 24 years in the GREATEST NAVY in the […]

Corpsman.com Will be down on January 18th 2012 In protest of SOPA

Corpsman.com will be down for 24 hours on the 18th of January. We stand firmly against the SOPA and PIPA Bills. You can read more information about these acts of legislation here: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/technology/2012/01/wikipedia-blackout-sopa-and-pipa-explained/ or here Where’s my Wikipedia? SOPA, PIPA blackout coming Tweet

Corpsman.com is ANTI-SOPA

SOPA and PIPA is legislation brought forward by the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives to help fight against online piracy. There are many points for and many points against this legislation. It’s up to you to figure out where you stand in this whole fight. We at Crux want to […]

It’s that Time of year.. Please Donate to help Support Corpsman.com!

It’s December. I promised last year that I would not solicit for donations for the entire year until the next December. I want you all to understand, that Corpsman.com is free to all users, I don’t charge a cent to anyone to use our site and its resources. BUT Once a year during the month […]

Da-Chief Rant & Corpsman.com Back up and on it’s feet..

Corpsman.com is back up and fully functional. We shut down on Friday PM to clean our site as it had been hacked. I want to thank those of you with patience. Those of you who wrote me and attacked me like I wanted my site to be hacked and how dare i have a hacked […]

Happy Holidays, there been Gremlins again..

Peace on earth goodwill towards all men and women.. Ahh the war I fight with hackers.. Thanks to DanM for pointing out to me what AVG was seeing. It seems that the little program we use to display our pictures in this site had a vulnerability  that was discovered by Script Kiddies, and exploited it they […]

42.2 Million People taking to Planes, Trains, Automobiles

42.2 Million folks will be taking to the roads, skies, or tracks this week to get home to Mom’s home cooking.  It’s a sure sign that the holidays have started. You never know what the weather will be like on any Thanksgiving weekend.  In 2004, we got caught in a freak blizzard on our way […]

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