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For all Military Services.
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Sunday, February 9, 2025

68Whiskey Page has been Updated

We have updated the information for 68Whiskey’s on our site. Goto: http://www.corpsman.com/history/army-68w-68-whiskey-army-combat-medic/  to view the information.. Thanks go to “SB TUCKER” who provided it to us.  He serves as a 68W.   Tweet

Check out “Ramblings of a Patriotic Hippie Chick”

First up front.  I went to school with Kriste, she was one of my best friends in high school. There are stories she could tell you about the almighty “Da-Chief” that would make me want to climb underground and hide until death. 🙂 Anyways, we have just re-connected on Facebook and the Internet, and I […]

1st Annual Corpsman.com Telethon Wednesday 1000 till 0200 Thursday CST (08 Dec-09Dec), come watch and support our site!

You ever see the “CRAZY EDDIE” commercials? Ever see one of those crazy Infomercials? Well I will now be lumped into that category as I will do anything to support our site. Starting tomorrow at 1000 CST, I will be filming live until 0200 CST on Thursday. I will take requests, I will study with you […]

Army Field Manual 3.0

I apologize the link was broken on this post. It has now been fixed.  You can download the field manual at your hearts content. 🙂  –D/C Well folks what has the world come to? A squid writing articles for the Army!?!?!? My brothers and sister medics out there are worth it though. I hope more […]