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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Spc. Damon G. Winkleman–Medic– Killed in Afghanistan 20 Sept 2009

September 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

SPC Winkleman was a Combat Medic serving in Afghanistan.  The rollover was not due to direct enemy contact, a investigation is underway. Our hearts and prayers go out to SPC Winkleman’s family and fellow Soldiers and friends.–D/C Two Fort Bragg paratroopers were killed Sunday in a vehicle accident in Afghanistan, the Department of Defense announced […]

Army Medical Evaluation Boards: New process gets Soldiers through faster

FORT HOOD, Texas – As Fort Hood Soldiers continuously answer the Army’s call to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, the frequent deployments can take a toll on Soldiers both mentally and physically. In some cases, medical or mental health issues may progress to the point that a Soldier has significant difficulty performing their duties, and […]

E-4, E-5 Army Promotions down for May

April 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Army News, Military Information

This is a sign that retention is at a all time high, I would like to see how it is after a summer in Afghanistan. I know when everything was hot and heavy in IRAQ, Doc’s were getting out left and right in the Navy. Things have cooled off considerably since then, but I fear […]

The end of an era: Hohenfels trains last Huey pilots

HOHENFELS, Germany — Four Army aviators training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany, this March marked the beginning of the end for an aircraft that has been one of the most recognizable faces of Army aviation for half a century. The new observer/controllers with the JMRC ‘Falcon’ team are the last pilots […]

Army: 2009 The Year of the NCO

I started writing this article in January, and have been trying to find a way to finish it without coming off as a pompas ass.  Tell me what you think below.-D/C 2009 is the year of the NCO for the United States Army.  I find that admirable. Unfortunately they have a “WONK” writing about it […]

Looking for a “Experienced” 68W who would like to be involved with Corpsman.com.

We are looking for a 68W with at least 7-10 years of service who would like to be involved with Corpsman.com. We are not neglecting our Army bretheran, it’s really just the issue that the majority of us are “Corpsman” or are related to HM”s. We want to have more info for our Army Medic’s […]

Riley to build complex for wounded soldiers

This is a associated press article that as posted on Armytimes.com. FORT RILEY, Kan. — With earth movers rumbling outside, officials broke ground Friday on the Army’s first permanent complex devoted to healing wounded soldiers. The $52 million Warrior Transition Complex will replace the temporary, modular buildings that have been in place for more than […]

Poor economy drives more troops to re-enlist

FORT RILEY, Kan. — Sgt. Ryan Nyhus spent 14 months patrolling the deadly streets of Baghdad, where five members of his platoon were shot and one died. As bad as that was, he would rather go back there than take his chances in this brutal job market. Nyhus re-enlisted last week, and in so doing […]

SecDef calls for Congress to mandate that Guard, Reserves have lead in DoD ops in the homeland

This is from the Navytimes.  Things are changing my friends. How long will TAR/FTS Sailors be relevant? Interesting read… Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates took a giant step Monday toward more tightly blending the active-duty military and reserve components into an “integrated total force,” calling for wide-ranging personnel policy changes, codifying the reserves’ homeland defense […]

Army Hero earns Silver Star

November 21, 2008 by  
Filed under Army News, Corpsman.com News

Army Sgt. Gregory S. Ruske is quick to call himself an ordinary soldier, but later this month the Army Reserve will single him out for extraordinary heroism in Afghanistan that earned him the Silver Star medal. Army Sgt. Gregory S. Ruske will become the fourth Army Reservist to receive the Silver Star for heroism demonstrated […]

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