A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
All are Welcome.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Happy New Year, What the party is over? NO!

What? You thought I would post on the 1’st of the year? Sorry no, I was out enjoying the season with my family, who unfortunately got whacked with  a stomach virus the day before Christmas eve then made its way though the family.  I’m at the tail end of this bug and got nailed yesterday […]


I am updating as fast as I get this new round of donations. I never thought it would go this quick! Thanks everyone!!–D/C And just like that we have met our goal!! I want to thank the last 3 folks who just donated to help us meet our goal: John Young Kevin Pannell Richard Canard […]

Updated(1038hrs 24Dec10): Help Corpsman.com meet our Goal, we are almost there!

20 December 2010 We need your help.  The following folks have already stepped to the plate to help Corpsman.com meet its goal for the year 2011. We are only $72.01 (Updated 1038hrs 24 Dec 2010) away from meeting our goal.  The bonus to this as well is  I get to stop asking for donations for […]


Please help us help you.. Listen to the special AOTC Below.. Just click the play button. Thank you, D/C Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:46 — 1.6MB)Tweet

UPDATED@2136: Home Stretch of Corpsman.com Fundraising month Update, Please help!

Goal:       $1500 Raised:   $1147.99 (Updated@2155) Needed to Reach Goal:  $352.01 (updated@2155) Friends, Our goal for the month of December was $1500.00 to help pay for costs for the next year (2011).  This will pay all server costs and help with the Internet bill and software etc. So far to date we have […]

13 December 2010 Update to Corpsman.com Fundraising Goal. Please help us meet our goal!

December 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

13 December 2010 Corpsman.com Fundraising Update $492.99 Down Thank you! $1,007.01 To Go! Ahh Winter how you tease me so…. I am up in Michigan doing our Christmas visit with my in-laws, the weather is blue skies, and about 16 degree’s (-1 Wind-Chill) which is not that bad! Unfortunately I have to drive through Indiana […]

Thank you to the following Friends of Corpsman.com for donating. Please donate today!

December 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

I want to thank the following folks who have donated to our site during the month of December.   We appreciate the support they have given during this our fundraising month. (December.) Thanks to the following: Tamara Sweezy James Walker Earnest Augustine Bryan Fliegel Amy Ury Carol Dial April Weisler Douglas Whalen We need your […]

Why I ask for Donations on Corpsman.com

July 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

Users of Corpsman.com please read below. Some days I just want to turn it all off, today was one of them. Last night after I published our newsletter (26th one!) I put out a blast that it was available for download, at the end of the post I asked for donations. Our site is not […]

AOTC # 84 “IT LIVES!!”

The reports of our demise have been… Well… Debunked.. Thanks to some generous users, they have stuck a cork in the sinking ship! This is only temporary folks, and it was decided tonight on our show by “YOU” the users, that we will be coming up with a way for you all to contribute to […]

Ok it’s Official We need your Support!! We are on Life Support!–Updated!

I have robbed Peter to pay Paul. Ad Revenue is down by about 80% this year over last year. Some have donated to help us out (About 3% of our regular users), and for this we are grateful. But the truth is now, for Corpsman.com to survive we need your assistance. Since we started in […]

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