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Friday, February 14, 2025

Can’t get the Bib’s on the Navy Advancement Website? BIB’s for CPO, and E-6 and Below are all UPDATED here!!

So you want to log in and get your Bib’s off the Navy Advancement website.. You try to log in.. First.. “WHAT’s MY DAMN USER NAME???” OMFG!! What the heck was my 14 Digit PW? I know I wrote it all down here somewhere? What I had to change it after 90 days?  OMG!! I’m […]

Active Duty Navy E-6 – E-5 – E-4 Results are out.. Check BOL

The Results are out, they have not been released to the public as of yet. Check BOL ASAP for your results. I will post the entire Advancement List for Corpsman when I get it. D/C Tweet

Sel Reserves E-8 & E-9 results released earlier this month.. (Who Knew?)

Ok I am sure I am out of the Navy now. I realize I got out in 2007, but I still was able to have my finger on the pulse as to what was going on. Not this time.. I completely “WHIFFED” on these results being released.. (or some results.) There were “0” Slots open […]

Congrats new HM2’s (Active and FTS)

December 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Hm2 Abuhussein Isma Adams Jonathan Aleman Kimberly Alfaro Johncarl Allen Shantell Alvarez Marilyn Alvela Jona May Alvela Joseph P Ancho Angeli Ancho Sheena Ra Anderson Scott Anderson Thomas Andjo Essozimna Aregawi Weldeki Arteagagil Rosa Arzu Selina Dek Aybardiaz Juan Bacani Ira Merc Backus Kyle Fra Bailes Sarah Lo Balderrama Mere Bangs Yleana Di Banner Steven […]

Congrats new HM1’s! (Active & FTS)

December 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Information, Navy News

Hm1 Abdullah Alaji Abiodun Sule Ackman Michael Acree Keisha Ya Aguilar Michael Alaimalo Manaia Alegre John Alc Alexander Veron Amador Kali Lou Ambrose Guy Ter Andrus Stephan Antonio Allan V Aquino Fernan F Aragones Gustav Armstrong Steph Arvizu Rodolfo Ashmeade Jason Atkins Justin C Avignone Micah Babawale Abiola Badon Ananda Ir Baidas Michael Bailey Wayne […]

Petty Officer Advancement Results on Schedule for Release From the Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

November 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Release Date: 11/25/2009 WASHINGTON — Cycle 204 results of active duty advancement for E-4, E-5 and E -6 Sailors, is expected after the Thanksgiving holiday break. “Traditionally, results are released between mid-November and mid-December. Our goal is to have this year’s results posted by the end of next week,” said Fleet Master Chief, Manpower, Personnel, […]

Reserve HMCM & HMCS (E8 & E9) results “FINALLY” released FY10

Congrats to the newly Selected Master Chiefs and Senior Chiefs.. 1 in particular, Congrats to HMCM Laurie Cangelosi. I know you worked hard as heck for this and it is well deserved! BZ!! Here is the list for Reserve Hospital Corpsmen Selected to HMCM (Master Chief) HMCM – MASTER CHIEF HOSPITAL CORPSMAN 8590 BAILEY WILLIA […]

Navy Earns Big “OOOP’s” Award! Navy: 133 sailors were on E-6 list in error

This is the worst.  I know of a “FEW” folks this has happend to. BUT 133?!?!?!?!? WTF? Awww Jeez read the article on NavyTimes.  If this screws Indy’s wife who was selected for HM1… Gads… Navy: 133 sailors were on E-6 list in error What do you think?  Do you know anyone who was notified? […]

CPO Forced Retirement Discussion

We are holding 2 discussions in our forums on the new “E-7-E9” Retention boards that are starting this year, if your a Chief or above with 20+ years and 3 years time in grade. Get involved, we want to know what “YOU” Think!! We host our Online Chat tonight in the Scuttlebutt Forums from 2100-2300 […]

Do “YOU” know your Eval System? E-6 and below?

I will be making the change for the new CPO Eval forms in the near future. The Navy Evaluation System Basics No matter your rank, you are subject to being evaluated by your chain of command. This evaluation process begins the day you check in, and can make or break your career and promotion opportunities. […]

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