A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
All are Welcome.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Things change, but they stay in the family

In 2004, I was privileged to be given the Corpsman.com domain to work with from a former Doc.  His life’s journey had taken him off to do other things.  It was a gift of a lifetime for me. I love my rate in which I served for 24 years in the GREATEST NAVY in the […]


I am updating as fast as I get this new round of donations. I never thought it would go this quick! Thanks everyone!!–D/C And just like that we have met our goal!! I want to thank the last 3 folks who just donated to help us meet our goal: John Young Kevin Pannell Richard Canard […]

Does anyone have any Coffee? After-action report on Telethon

December 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

Wow, on paper it looked easy.. Do a telethon for 16 hours to raise funds for Corpsman.com Have you ever broadcasted for 16 hours straight? Talked for 16 hours? I did for the first time yesterday. As I sit here bleary eyed, fingers sore, wrists sore.. eyes sore, I ask myself was it worth it? […]

Thank you to the following Friends of Corpsman.com for donating. Please donate today!

December 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

I want to thank the following folks who have donated to our site during the month of December.   We appreciate the support they have given during this our fundraising month. (December.) Thanks to the following: Tamara Sweezy James Walker Earnest Augustine Bryan Fliegel Amy Ury Carol Dial April Weisler Douglas Whalen We need your […]

Most Visitors in 1 day ever on Corpsman.com, Veterans Day 2010

Thank you. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!! We had our most traffic ever for 1 day on Corpsman.com yesterday.  Between the front page, the forums and Hospital Corpsman.org, we had over 25K visitors yesterday.  So much so it knocked our server offline around 1200.  Lucky for me I was monitoring the site. While I […]

Thank you for your Donation to Corpsman.com

November 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Entertainment, Holidays

We want to thank you for your donation to “CORPSMAN.COM”. We value your support by helping us keep the lights on for another year! Many Doc’s will have a positive impact from our site due to your help. Once again, Thank you Da-Chief Corpsman.com Tweet