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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Speed Racer the Movie, Review

Movie: Speed Racer


Movie Makers/Producers/Directors:
Andy Wachowski
Larry Wachowski
Run Time: 135 minutes
Speed Racer: Emile Hirsch (Into the Wild)
Racer X: Matthew Fox (Party of 5 & LOST)
Rex Racer: Scott Porter (Friday Night Lights)
Pops: John Goodman (Rosanne)
MMOM: Susan Sarandon ( Bul Durham, Thelma & Louise)
Trixi: Christina Ricci (Adams Family)
Chimp: Chim Chim

My whole family went and saw Speed Racer tonight up in Kenosha, WI at the Tinseltown theater.
Included in this was myself, My wife, and 3 kids aged 9,6,5.

The Brothers made a visually stunning movie the likes I have never seen before. If you don’t remember them, they directed and made the “MATRIX” trilogy. They have and are really into the special effects dept. The visuals on SPEED RACER are something you have never seen before. The Races, awesome, you feel like your there in the cabin with speed. Heck they even brought back “INSPECTOR DETECTOR”

The only gripe I have about the movie itself was the length. Spencer was not able to manage the whole movie so he and Karen left after about 1 hour. She wants me to get a Baby sitter so we can see it again soon.

My daughters loved it, my 7 year old especially loved Chim Chim the monkey. I would have to admit this actor should receive a academy award for his portrayal as a chimp. (Grin)

The Movie is rated PG for some fighting but mostly the violence with the racing.

Speed Racer the movie was filmed and recorded Just like the old animated series of the 70’s.

So I give it a thumbs up, bring your kids but make sure they are able to handle the length of the movie.


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