A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Da-Chief is Back.. Here to help

April 11, 2014 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

It’s been a LONG time. I turned Corpsman.com over to the hands of Indy back in 2012 and quite a bit has happened since. Indy right at this moment is finishing up IDC school.  He has just cleared clinicals and has a few more things to clear then will be a GENUINE IDC!  This could […]

Things change, but they stay in the family

In 2004, I was privileged to be given the Corpsman.com domain to work with from a former Doc.  His life’s journey had taken him off to do other things.  It was a gift of a lifetime for me. I love my rate in which I served for 24 years in the GREATEST NAVY in the […]

Welcome Aboard Chief INDY!

April 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

Just and update.. I want to thank everyone who donated to our site before.  Each and every one of them in the past years (Since 2004) have been and are appreciated. I want to welcome aboard a new partner with Corpsman.com.  Chief Indy, has come onboard and will be a major part of this site. […]

Migration COMPLETE

Sorry for the lack of notice. I thought this would take a shorter time migrating our DNS settings to our host SITE5.COM away from Network Solutions.  What I didn’t plan on was the kerfuffle happening with GoDaddy which basically disrupted the Internet for DNS transfers. If you don’t know about SOPA (We at Corpsman.com are […]

Merry Christmas 2011 From Corpsman.com

December 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family, Vets Issues

I wanted to get this up earlier, but was pulled away by my wonderful kids. I’m sure you will understand my lateness.. 😉 Merry and Happy Christmas to all. Stay Safe, Stay Warm, and stay Content in life itself. Da-Chief Corpsman.com Tweet

It’s that Time of year.. Please Donate to help Support Corpsman.com!

It’s December. I promised last year that I would not solicit for donations for the entire year until the next December. I want you all to understand, that Corpsman.com is free to all users, I don’t charge a cent to anyone to use our site and its resources. BUT Once a year during the month […]

Da-Chief Rant & Corpsman.com Back up and on it’s feet..

Corpsman.com is back up and fully functional. We shut down on Friday PM to clean our site as it had been hacked. I want to thank those of you with patience. Those of you who wrote me and attacked me like I wanted my site to be hacked and how dare i have a hacked […]

42.2 Million People taking to Planes, Trains, Automobiles

42.2 Million folks will be taking to the roads, skies, or tracks this week to get home to Mom’s home cooking.  It’s a sure sign that the holidays have started. You never know what the weather will be like on any Thanksgiving weekend.  In 2004, we got caught in a freak blizzard on our way […]

Corpsman.com is now on Google + !

Greetings everyone.. Brrr… Winter is almost here.. Just wanted to let you know that Corpsman.com now has a presence  on Google +.  You can follow us here: Corpsman.com Google + . Join us. If your wondering what Google + is, picture Facebook without all the Junk, no noise.  Just good gouge. Hope to see you there! D/C […]

hospitalcorpsman.org and other updates..

Greetings Mates! Just wanted to touch on a few things.. I spoke with Chief Indy about getting the site (hospitalcorpsman.org) back up.  It essentially became his baby about a year ago. Since then a few things have happened. — I switched servers which fubarred everything up. — Indy moved from Great Lakes to San Antonio […]

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