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Friday, July 26, 2024

HM3 Eichmann A. Strickland, KIA 09 SEPT 2008, AFGHANISTAN

It is with a sad heart that I have to post we lost another Doc in Afghanistan.

HM3 Strickland was Killed in Action last week in Afghanistan by a IED along with 2 Marine Corps Officers.

I have known about the loss of HM3 since last week, but we were not able to post it due to DOD not announcing it until today.  His Command in Japan had been notified as well as his family, but we don’t post until the DOD notification gives us the okay.

This truly hurts, during a week when we are pinning our new Chief Petty Officers, to have to do this as well.

Our Hearts and Prayers go out to HM3 Strickland’s Family, Friends, Shipmates.  We at Corpsman.com Salute you and will honor Eichmann’s memory.



49 Responses to “HM3 Eichmann A. Strickland, KIA 09 SEPT 2008, AFGHANISTAN”
  1. Erin Gipson says:

    Almost everyone who came across Strickland has a vivid memory of him.

    He touched many people's lives, and I know he did mine for sure.

    I only hope i can have the joy of someday meeting someone who can possibly remind me of Strickland and have such a positive aura and be so optimistic with life.

    He touched my heart in a way that only a special friend could. He was there for me when no one else was. Through the good and the bad. He gave me advice, strength, compassion, laughter, and so much more; But mostly He gave me his love and friendship. I will ALWAYS remember him. I love him so much.
    He will always live in my memories and heart! I miss you!

  2. Doc C says:

    HM3 Strickland was my mentor when I checked into the ward at my first duty station, NHCP. I was shocked to see this. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and unit, as well as to those of the Marines lost.

  3. Mandy says:

    I met Strickland by chance one day at the beach.

    What a blessing it is to have passed by him that day, to have been able to make that chance encounter into a beautiful friendship.

    He was an amazing person and he had such a positive impact on my life.

    I love you Strickland!

  4. Creutz (Woods) says:

    HM3 Strickland was a very compassionate, loving, and the sweetest person you will ever come across. He was just one of those people who could light up a room with just one smile. I served with him at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, and was on the Color Guard. As one of my junior Corpsman he definitely kept me on my toes.

    We will never forget him here at NHCP.

    I love you Kuya!

    Creutz (Woods)

  5. HM3 Catura says:

    Strickland was the type of person and that when you met them, you never forgot them. He had the happy go lucky personality that everyone wished they had. I was one of the many people who got to know, work with him. He touched my life and we always helped each other out. I will dearly miss him, but we all know that he is in a better place now. My prayers are with the family, and other friends. He will be missed greatly.

  6. Sgt Schatte says:

    HM3 Stricklands family is in my thoughts and my prayers. As a prior HM2 and Now a Sgt in the Army my heart is with all Corpsman and now all Medics.
    May there be peace one day in our world, and thank you to all who are willing to serve and keep the fight over there and not here.

  7. Andino Palacio says:

    I didn't know Strickland personally, but when I saw him come to 7N NHCP to visit a friend, he'd always have a smile on his face and a positive attitude.

    He will be missed, even by those who hardly knew him.

  8. HM3 Strickland, I never met you, but you seemed to be well liked. We have taken care of your military profile and have relieved your watch by HM1 (SW/AW/FMF) Rich Hopka. Taken early in your life, taken from those that love you, rest in peace.

  9. Michaela Hultquist says:

    HM3 Strickland,

    Thank you for being such a wonderful person and for having a huge impact on many lives, even my own. We both started at the NHCP, in the barracks and that's where our friendship began. Than, you talked me into joining the color guard and TRIED to teach me the rifles, but that was a no go, you know, I was TERRIBLE, lol…. But I will now thank God everyday for allowing me the pleasure in meeting you and getting close to you, as if you were my own brother. Myself, along with many others, will miss you dearly. I will treasure the moments we were lucky to share! I love you, my asianpersuasion with a honda civic!!!! Rest in peace, the world is at a great loss without you.

  10. Sgt. Jaojoco says:

    I just heard the sad news of HM3 Strickland, today Sept. 18 Pacific Time. I had vivid memories of him, since he was my scribe at FMSS. Great kid. A truely sad lost for both Corps. Just remember that you are in harms way and always be on the look out. Sgt. Jaojoco

  11. HM2 (FMF) Bojorquez says:

    I remember Strickland as a good quite HN when he came thru FMTB. As one of his Instructors, I saw this kid grow and develop and leave a different person. Hard to teach, but he learned. A well rounded individual.

    My prayers are with his family

  12. HM3 (FMF)Le, Thai says:

    RIP HM3 Strickland, we'll surely missed ya.

  13. TRAVIS COWAN says:

    HM3 Strickland….man i remember you when i was at NHCP pediatrics and MED SURG. RIP in peace man you will be missed forever.

  14. Janice Malate says:

    Strickland was a good person, he was a friendly person and he is my child hood friend in baryo.. Bago sya umalis d2 sa pinas niyakap nya aq at hnd q alam na huling dalaw nya d2 sa pinas.. Palakaibigan xa at malapit na closed friends sa mga pinsan nya.. Wala na aq masabi sa kanya kz sa sobrang bait nya.. Mami2s q tlga xa…… MAHAL KA NAMIN D2!!!…. at Hinding-hindi ka namin makakalimutan!!!!….

  15. tcarbullido says:

    To The Family of HM3 Eichmann Strickland,

    We are the family of HM2(FMF) Anthony Mark Carbullido, also KIA 8/08/08 in Afghanistan. We send our condolences to your family at this deepest time of sorrow of the loss of your son. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Our sons are buddies in heaven now, they are our angels, and angels for all those men and women in uniform, fighting for our freedom. They will never be forgotten, but will continue to live in our hearts. Rest In Peace.

  16. HM3_Warden says:

    I first met Eich when we began training for the mission in Afghanistan. I was the senior corpsman for the team, and the only HM3 at that. When Eich picked up 3rd we all celebrated like any other sailor would. We become close friends and teammates through the rigorous training. There were many times when the stresses of being the senior person overwhelmed me, and Strickland would always be there to cheer me up or help me out. I saw him grow ten fold while we went through training. The stories I have of him could make up a novel, but to be blunt he was the greatest person I believe I've ever met. His smile and corkyness could bring you outta the deepest slumber. I'll always remember you Eich as an amazing teammate, friend, but over all person. khudaa Hafiz.

  17. Melissa Garcia says:

    I worked with Strickland at Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital. My name is HM3 Melissa Garcia. He was one of the nicest guys I have ever met. He was a very genuine friend that would always listen when you needed him to. He was so much fun to work with, and I am shocked about his passing. My thoughts and prayers goes out to his family. He was a wonderful person, and he will truely be missed

  18. aldrich says:

    kuya saan kaman naroroon mamimiss ka namin saan da kantu malipan uray intun kaanuman we love you so much kuya ang bait mo talaga wala kang katulad

  19. Tara Ducoing says:

    I was shocked to hear of your passing today. My name is Tara Ducoing , I am a nurse who worked with Strickland for a year on the pediatric ward at NHCP. He always said I was his mentor, and when he left Camp Pendleton he thanked me for teaching him everything there was to know about babies! I told him that this was just the start of his career and that he would be doing bigger and better things one day. Obviously, he did, right until the end. I worked the day shift and the first thing I would notice about him was his big pearly white smile, it always started my day off great. During the day, we would laugh about everything and anything, and then when it was time to work I could always count on him 100%, I can still vividly remember how nervous he looked when I first taught him how to hold a newborn, and change their diaper, and take their vitals, when he first got there, and after not too long he was an old pro. The really cool thing about Stickland was that once you were his friend, you were a friend for life. I recieved some emails from him from Japan and he even called me a few times from Japan, he called me right before he deployed and was excited about going, and I wished him well.
    Strickland, I will always remember you, and everytime I am in Toronto (which is where I am from) I will always remember you telling me that we should fly out together so you can visit your cousins. When I am there I am going to think of you with a smile, and say a prayer for your family for this very sad loss.
    I'll miss you, my friend.

  20. HM3 Joseph Smith says:

    Stricky, I miss you so much. I was so worried for months, since May. That was the last time i talked to you. And now, my worry is a reality. I wish i was there to help you. I miss you so much. I feel so lost, sad, and empty. I know you are here now, you'll forever be in my heart. Thank you for a great 4 1/2 Best-Friendship. I promise to help take care of your mom. I will never forget the times we spent together in Chicago, California, and Japan. I love you and i will always honor you!

  21. Robert Burgess says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of HM3 Strickland. I too am a combat advisor, but in Iraq. The mission he had, is still the most important that our soldiers, sailors, and marines face as we fight this war against terror and islamic extremism. He will be greatly missed, and his great efforts can't be replaced.

    Major Robert Burgess
    3-7-2 NPTT

  22. LCDR Wendy Schofer says:

    Strickland Family,
    I am so saddened to hear of HM3's passing. We worked together at NHCP — then-HN Strickland stood out as a hard-working, enthusiastic, genuinely fun person. I am sorry about the loss for all, but I do hope that the stories and memories that others share will help with the burden of grief right now. His memory lives on.

  23. LT Willis says:

    Wow, I am very sadden to hear of the news of Hm3 Strickland. he was one of my first corpsman on 8-South at NHCP. I can remember when he bought his first car the Honda civic. He made everyone smiled and touched the heart of all that he worked. He will be truely missed.


  24. Sheena Marie says:

    You and I have known each other since 3rd grade. We've been through alot, and spent numerous late hours spilling our guts to each other! You are the only person I would answer my phone for at 2am, and those conversations were always the best. I miss you so much, and I know there are many others who feel the same. You were a true friend, and an amazing inspiration. Your smile was the best, and you will always have a place in my heart. I hope Kong is up there with you! Thank you for everything you've done for me, and for making the ultimate sacrifice.

  25. Kristy says:

    Eicky, I keep thinking that one day I will wake up and you will still be here. I miss you so much. I was watching Iron Man tonight and I almost lost it in the 1st few minutes. I keep hoping that you are going to call me anyday with your random phone call! Sadly, I know you aren't coming back. I know you are watching over us now. I love you buddy. Keep smiling down on us.

  26. hya says:

    eichmann ading ko, you will always be our little “brother” you will always be in our hearts, we love you so much and we will miss you forever, we just dont know how and when we can accept the reality that you're gone forever and we never gonna see you again it's really breaks our hearts of losing you! we really love you!

  27. hya says:

    ading ko, you we're such a wonderful, caring, amazing and incredible man. you're great memories will linger us forever. we are so proud of you and we love you very very much!

  28. hya says:

    ading ko, you we're such a wonderful, caring, amazing and incredible man. you're great memories will linger us forever. we are so proud of you and we love you very very much!

  29. Tiffany Haugan says:

    I was Strickland's Adj in Corps school and miss him greatly! He could cheer up anyone and he will be greatly missed. I am also sad that I didn't make it to Hawaii to visit when he asked.

    HM2 Tiffany Haugan

  30. David Moronez says:

    I was stationed in Iwakuni with Strickland. I was changing duty stations when he left for training. He was a great doc, and an outstanding person. He had a huge heart. He didn't have to go to Afghanistan, but he extended because he wanted to help. It's very sad that he's gone now.

  31. Corpsman Kanode says:

    HM3 Strickland was stationed here in Iwakuni Japan with me before leaving for Afganistan. He left behind many good memories of himself. Just yesterday all of us Corpsman brought up a story of him that made us all laugh. We miss you Strickland!!

  32. hya says:

    ading ko i really miss u so much, everytime i think of you i get a tears on my eyes can't stop them falling, everyday i wake up in the morning i look on my side table and see the frame with our photo together ,starring and touching your smiley face, i close my eyes feelin' your presence i know your watching me, i believe your happy now with God… i love you!!!

  33. Jimmy D. Guidry says:

    I did pre-deployment workups with HM3 Strickland and I have to say he was one of the best corpsman I had the opportunity to work alongside with. HM3 Strickland, no matter how bad the situation was, could always bring a smile to my face. No matter if it was something big or the smallest thing “Strick” always had something smart elic to say about it that would just make everything seem like it was ok. Everyday I live my life, when something goes wrong or doesn't go the way I would like, I think about what Strickland would say in this situation and I find myself forgetting about everything and ending up with a smirk on my face. HM3 Strickland will always be missed. He was a great corpsman but on top of everything he was a great friend.

    HM3 (FMF) Guidry, Jimmy D.

  34. Dana Schaller, HM1 USN says:

    I was one of HM3 Stricklands instructors in Hospital Corps “A” School. It breaks my heart to know that one of the young men that I trained gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He was a wonderful person and a Great Hospital Corpsman. He will be missed. God Bless him and his family

  35. mark copeland says:

    God bless you HM3 Strickland, i hope you travel well.

    -HN copeland
    tpc boone clinic. Norfolk,VA

  36. Austin Evers HM3(FMF) says:

    Everytime I look at my wrist i remember you, and all the times we had buddy. Your sense of humor was off the charts. I pray for you quite a lot. I'll never forget the day when i was deployed and my chief pulled me from lunch and told me the worst news ever. 1 year is coming up soon since we lost you friend. Thanks for watching over all of us. I'll never forget you. Thanks for all the laughs. R.I.P.

  37. duke_626 says:

    RIP Doc
    Blackhorse was never the same after that day.

  38. B_LeBeauUSMC2007 says:

    [to my beloved brotherbear]
    *Strick… on the one year memorial; 9-9-09, i will be traveling home from Cali. I will be spending precious moments with my family, before i punch out to go find Camp BlackHorse, the last place you were. I am on a *mission* in honor of you, my Dearest pet. I finally met Ruben, too. And I saw the tatoo in honor of you, on his back. He also gave me the only thing he could keep from your gear; your desert nametapes. 🙁 my heart tweaked. Wow, everytime i think of you, the memories from Iwakuni are fresh. I love you always. My number one BFFF(bestf*ckenfriendforever!) 🙂

    LCpl USMC

  39. Derek A. Van Tuyl says:

    I had the honor of working next to Strickland at FB Morales-Frazier in Afghanistan. As the 1 year anniversary of his death draws closer the bracelet on my wrist reminds me of what Sailors, Marines and Soldiers lost the fateful day. My fondest memory of Strickland is from the night that one of my Army buddies was injured and when I came back the the Aid Station at Morales-Frazier he was there waiting to assist in further treatment of my friend. He was a damn good Corpsman! After the evacuation was complete and were collecting up my injured friend's gear, Strickland turned to me and asked if I was okay and if there was anything he could do to make things better. He also told me what a great job I had done before getting to the Aid Station. He was a light on such a dark night for me! I will never forget that night as long as I live. He was such a smart, funny and compassionate young man. He always knew how to make people laugh and smile and he was excellent at his job. He was always learning things from us Army Medics that weren't taught in his Corpsman training. He was always trying to better himself and striving to be the best Corpsman.
    You will never be forgotten!

    SPC Derek A. Van Tuyl
    US Army
    Combat Medic
    101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)

  40. lcweathersby says:

    Strickland…..I only knew this man as Eich. He was truly a great friend to me. We spent many many out of work hours together. I knew him better than many people and grew to love him like a brother. I think …………know that all who have came across him have came to love him. Eich was very very colorful, with one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen. A great friend, a Wonderful Corpsman, a good son, an honest man. The clubs we have been to together, the friends we have made together, eating, dancing, laughing, work. You will be missed and will always be remembered as a great sailor to me, a friend, and apart of my family. I Love You and you will NEVER be forgotten!

    HM2 (FMF) Weathersby, Lc

  41. ryanbangco says:

    i went to OEMS with him! didn't know him that much but when when we started training i knew he's gonna be an excellent doc! i salute you for what u'd done! fair winds and following seas!


  42. HM3 M says:

    I miss you man. Rest easy.

  43. Lcfairy2003 says:

    I miss you Eich. I wish we got to spend more time together. I was in shock when I found out that you were gone. You were one of my good friends. I'm glad you are finally resting in heaven.

  44. Weathersby3 says:

    Thinking of you like always Eich, love you brother….rnrnHM2 (FMF) Weathersby

  45. Weathersby3 says:

    Thinking of you like always Eich, love you brother….rnrnHM2 (FMF) Weathersby

  46. Yeoperson says:

    I carry you in my heart and mind and speak of you often to others as a role model. I will always remember trading jokes with you and laughing uproariously and dancing in the Camp Blackhorse DFAC, and that last hug we shared before you rolled away on that mission, and how that was the last time I ever saw your beautiful smile in person.

    When I heard you were gone I lost it, and all those around me bowed their heads in shared grief and silently cried as I wailed out loud. I miss you and the others still, but know that you are at rest and at peace.

    All my love, little brother.

    Very respectfully,

    ISC Sanchez

  47. HM2 Crockett says:

    I went to Corps School with Strickland. He was an awesome little guy; he used to say the funniest things. I can’t believe he is gone… He will definitely be missed.

    HM2 Crockett

  48. HM2 Kirby says:

    Eichers, I miss you so much! You were taken too soon. I will never forget the call from HM2 Sanquins that night telling me of the news. I remember before you left Iwakuni that you had reservations and I reassured you. I wish I had known then what I know now.

    I love you and miss your smiling face.
    xoxo Kirby