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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Do “YOU” know your Eval System? E-6 and below?

I will be making the change for the new CPO Eval forms in the near future.

The Navy Evaluation System Basics
No matter your rank, you are subject to being evaluated by your chain of command. This evaluation process begins the day you check in, and can make or break your career and promotion opportunities.

Navy Regulations require that records be maintained on naval personnel “which reflect their fitness for the service and performance of duties.” Fitness Reports (FITREPs) on officers and chief petty officers, and Evaluation Reports (EVALS) on other enlisted personnel, are used for many career actions, including selection for promotion, advanced training, specialization or subspecialization, and responsible duty assignments. Timely, realistic, and accurate reports are essential for each of these tasks.

To accomplish these purposes, Navy FITREPS and EVALS focus on performance. This reflects the fact that how well you do your job, and the qualities you bring to the job, are of paramount importance to the Navy. Performance is most important for successful mission accomplishment. It is also important for development of skills and leadership abilities and in determining who will be selected for advancement through assignments, promotions, and so on.

Navy evaluation systems emphasize the importance of performance in several ways, using periodic performance feedback, as the basis for formal evaluation reports, and, for officers, through performance-based promotion recommendations.

How your Performance Evaluations Affect your Promotion
This table shows the formula used to compute your Performance points and the maximum points and percents that are used to calculate your Final Multiple Score.

Navywide Advancement-in-Rate Maximum Final Multiple Scores (FMS)
(Maximum PMA = 4.00)
Exam Paygrade Computation Max
(PMA x 60) – 156
(PMA x 60) -130
(PMA x 13)

The Performance points used to calculate your FMS come from your Evaluations. From your Evaluation Reports received in your current paygrade, your Promotion Recommendation points are used to calculate your Performance Mark Average (PMA). After calculating your PMA, you can use the formula above to calculate the Performance points you earn for your FMS. A sample of these calculations appears on the next screen.

This table shows Promotion Recommendation point values.

Promotion Recommendation Point Values
Early Promote
Must Promote
Significant Problems

Calculating your PMA and Promotion Points
To compute your Performance points you must first calculate your PMA. Only the Promotion Recommendation blocks (Block 45) from your Evaluation Reports in your current paygrade are used to calculate your PMA. Computation periods vary from cycle to cycle and paygrade to paygrade. Check the specific cycle NAVADMIN for guidance. Do not use evaluations marked Not Observed (NOB) in your calculation.

This table shows how a PMA and the Performance points for an FMS are calculated for a PO2 participating in a PO1 exam.

Collect all Block 45 marks in your current paygrade not marked NOB.
Evaluation Ending
02 March 15, 01 March 15, 00 March 15
Block 45 Mark
Early Promote = 4.00 Must Promote = 3.80
Must Promote = 3.80
Add Block 45 marks together.
4.00 + 3.80 + 3.80 = 11.60
Divide by the number of evals used in calculation. Carry answer to 3 places.
11.60 / 3 = 3.866
Round answer to 2 decimal places.
PMA = 3.87
Insert the PMA in the E-6 Performance formula [(PMA x 60) – 130] and calculate your Performance Points.
(3.87 x 60) – 130 = 102.20
Performance Points = 102.20

5 Steps to Improving Your FITREP/EVAL “SCORE”
Although the Navy evaluation systems are designed to observe and report your performance, there are 5 steps you can take that are virtually guaranteed to improve your evaluations.

Step 1. Start out by reading BUPERSINST 1610.10. Understanding how the process works is key to making it work for you. Pay particular attention to the appropriate evaluation form for your rank.

Step 2. Communicate. Talk with your supervisor about your performance report. You should go over the form line by line to determine their expectations. Ask your supervisor for their advice on how to improve your FITREP or EVAL and get the highest score possible.

Step 3. Be Opportunistic. Take every opportunity you can to demonstrate the level of performance that your supervisor suggested. Be sure to take the initiative and show that you’re committed to performing at the highest level.

Step 4. Record your personal performance. Keep a performance diary, noting the times and situations when you demonstrated the skills, initiative, leadership, and performance your supervisor suggested.

Step 5. Evaluate yourself. Complete your own evaluation report on the appropriate NAVPERS form, include documentation and support information. After all it is your career, and you are the only one who knows exactly what you have accomplished during the evaluation period. Submit your FITREP or EVAL and documentation to your supervisor.

Your supervisor has a rough job, he or she has to monitor you and your coworkers performance throughout the entire evaluation period. It is nearly impossible for a supervisor to remember every detail about your performance. In fact supervisors tend to remember negative situations more often than the positive ones. By following these 5 steps you will make your supervisors job easier, and when you make their job easier it can’t help but to increase your Marks.

Use the following Navy forms to report your performance:

NAVPERS 1616/26 – Evaluation Report and Counseling Record (E-1 – E-6)

Thanks to Military.com for this well written article.

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