Ok it’s Official We need your Support!! We are on Life Support!–Updated!
September 2, 2009 by Da-Chief
Filed under Air Force News, Army News, Coast Guard News, Marine Corps News, Military Information, National Guard News, Navy News

I have robbed Peter to pay Paul.
Ad Revenue is down by about 80% this year over last year.
Some have donated to help us out (About 3% of our regular users), and for this we are grateful.
But the truth is now, for Corpsman.com to survive we need your assistance.
Since we started in 2004, we have never required anyone to pay to use our site, and have been able to live off of Ad Revenue and the occasional Donation.
There are a few who have donated a couple of times through out the years and I have one user, who actually donates $10.00 each month to our site.
When we started, We first had only the front page of Corpsman.com, then we added the forums. To support our Doc’s throughout the world with communication, we added the Scuttlebutt E-Club Chat Room.
1 1/2 years ago we started our Podcasts and now are doing both Audio as well as Video for our weekly Netcasts. We taped #78 Friday Night.
Corpsman.com has helped hundreds if not thousands of new recruits who come into our forums asking questions before they sign on the dotted line. We always give them “FACTUAL, RESEARCHED” answers. We never shoot from the hip. Yes sometimes we are wrong, but usually we are the ones who figure out we’re wrong before even the user does, and we alert them to the fact and rectify the situation.
The Site started out with just me.. a bumbling Navy HMC who didn’t know “SQUAT” about websites and coding. Lucky for me HMC(AW/FMF/SW) Barling came along and graciously started helping me out with the site as he is a programmer (I wonder if he would have said yes if he could go back in time now.. 😉
DeeDee our Editor for our Scuttlebutt Newsletter, which reaches thousands each quarter, contacted me to get a caduceus for her sons cake prior to boot, so she could get the pattern to the Baker for the cake. We struck a fast friendship, and Dee is now the editor like I said before. (To my kids she’s Aunt DeeDee!) Dee is also Corpsman.com’s Adopt a Doc Coordinator, we have supported folks from Iraq, to Afghanistan, Africa and on Floating Ships, all in support of our deployed Doc’s.
8404, being the factual, inquisitive father of a Doc he is today, came on our site and was trying to find info about his sons rate. 8404 you see is a prior Marine!! So he sees things through Marine Corps eyes and understands what a Doc means to the Corps!! He has been our biggest day to day supporter of our site since signing on almost 2 years ago..
Indy, a A/D Doc who helps out in the Forums started helping us this year. I don’t know what his limits will be once he starts Corps School though as a instructor in Nov. All I know now is that he has helped us out for the last year co-hosting the Chats in the fourms with Dee and answering numerous questions in the forums.
Most if not all of these fine folks have done this job for free, other then software and sometimes hardware that we were able to purchase out of the ad revenue we generated.
While we are not a NON-PROFIT organization, I can without a doubt tell you we have “NEVER” turned a profit either. Last year, we came up about even when all was said and done. Not this year though.
So, I realize times are tough for everyone, I do, as I am feeling it here too, but for me to keep Corpsman.com running I am asking for support from our users.
If you can swing it, please think about donating to Corpsman.com today. We are in sore need of some support. I can tell you this, if we don’t start getting a bit of support I will have to shut down the site. I won’t sell it, and believe me I have had the offers from businesses who want to leach off our Doc’s. I would rather just park the site until I can afford to start back up then give it up to some schmuck trying to rip off my family.
Please help us, so we can continue helping you.
To donate, just hit the donate button on any of the Corpsman.com Pages. I will reflect all donations on our Podcasts/Netcasts as we recieve them. I have done so in the past and will continue to let everyone know who is supporting us!!
You can also Sponsor our Netcasts for 25.00 a show!! When you do we coordinate with you to find out who your sponsoring for etc.. If you donate $100.00 we will not only have you as the sponsor, but add you as a Co-host on that show.
Thanks everyone, I hate asking for this, but rest assured I wouldn’t unless I have to.
I want to keep this updated daily from now on.
I want to thank those who support out site.
These 4 folks heard the call from us (actually the plea!) for support.
Thanks to the following:
**Alan Friend
**James Spelich
**Dana Schaller
We will keep this updated daily!!
Thanks to you all!!
Folks help us out we need your support today!! Just hit the Donate button on our pages..
Guys. Help is on the way. It's jrpetre, Uncle of HM3 Castiglione. I will call today.