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Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Rumored AOTC #93 will be taped tonight… If your around join me..

May 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Happy Soon to be Summer everyone!

I am finally out of school for the summer!! Yeah.!!

And our school was promptly (Kids School) Flooded in the lunch room, so I became the “LUNCH LADY” for Thursday and Friday..  Ahh such is the life of a retired Chief Petty Officer! 🙂

I would not trade it for the world!!

It’s by no means like what TN had, and I am praying for my brothers and sisters to the southeast.  (Especially PuckMedic!)

But anyways, I will be taping tonight AOTC #93.  I am not sure of a time as I want to do it when the kids go down for the night so I can get this recording done and up in one night.  I will post on here and on twitter (http://www.twitter.com/corpsman_com) and on Facebook before I go live.

Hope to see some of you, I have a great interview of the Author Bruce Williams-Burden who wrote “Luminous Base” to be played during tonights show.  I have read the book and if you were ever interested or are interested in doing MEDVAC’s etc.. then you should get this book. http://astore.amazon.com/corpsmancom-20/detail/1450516777

Luminous Base by: Bruce Williams-Burden

Luminous Base by: Bruce Williams-Burden

We will be broadcasting from USTREAM @ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/Corpsman-com-Attack-of-Da-Chief-64

Hope to see you  tonight!


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