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Friday, February 14, 2025

AOTC #98 “Corpsman.com Fundraiser Month!” Join us for the news!! Live at 2130 EST!

December 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Entertainment

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Happy Holidays to all!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, Happy Kwanza, Happy Festivus.. (There I think I have it all covered!)

December has traditionally been our fundraising month for Corpsman.com.   This is the time where we ask for users to help support our site for another year.

December is the only month where we hit fundraising for support.

Yes every once in a while in my emails to our users, I will ask for donations, but it is more just the “HEY WE HAVE A DONATE BUTTON” thing..

This month is different, it is the month where everything has to be Re-upped, new software re-configured, or bought.

I hate being a pain asking, but, I think we at Corpsman.com offer a valuable resource to Doc’s all over the world.

While our site is not a “PAY TO PLAY” site,  it does require some $$ to help keep the lights on etc.

What does Corpsman.com have to offer you the users?

  • Up to date news of all things that pertain to the Doc Community, not only Navy, but Marine Corps, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard.

  • Forums, we have over 1400 users, of which 750 are active every month.  (Hard to be active when deployed etc).  You ask a question, you usually get an answer within 24 hours in our forums. (Not always the answer you want, we can’t promise bliss.. )

  • “Scuttlebutt Newsletter” our quarterly newsletter which is read by “Thousands” upon publication.  It’s a megaphone for you the Doc’s, your families, Veterans, etc.  DeeDee does an excellent job with this.

  • Hospitalcorpsman.org, our Study are for all things advancement for Doc’s.  Bib’s, study materials, instructions everything, we are a one stop shop!

The question we get asked the most or told the most, is “Hey this is easy I run a website and it doesn’t cost a thing!”

“We’re Happy for you!”

Really we are, but there is a reason we are the #1 search result for Corpsman, Medic etc on google, yahoo, Bing etc.  It’s because our work is updated regularly, posted regularly and visited by over 1 million folks each year.

Because of this, we can’t run on a run of the mill server,  We can’t just throw up a “GEOCITIES” type site etc.

While we certainly don’t make a profit here,  we do need the help for operating expenses, be it software (Office for 4 folks) Hardware (Bought a new machine to produce on earlier this year.) Server Space, or just regular Internet hook up to broadcast or do all this work.

If you like what we do, and you find it valuable, we ask that you help support us by clicking the Paypal button on any of our pages.  Please understand This is a fund-drive for the entire month of December.  I will be actively asking for support for our site.  It’s only 1 month a year, after that I shut up.. 😉

Thanks for your time, and hopefully you can help us help you.



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