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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Does anyone have any Coffee? After-action report on Telethon

December 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

Hour 13 of Corpsman.com Telethon

Hour 13 of Corpsman.com Telethon

Wow, on paper it looked easy.. Do a telethon for 16 hours to raise funds for Corpsman.com

Have you ever broadcasted for 16 hours straight?

Talked for 16 hours?

I did for the first time yesterday.

As I sit here bleary eyed, fingers sore, wrists sore.. eyes sore, I ask myself was it worth it?  We set out to raise $1500.00 during the telethon, we raised $324.99.

What did I have to do to earn this?  I had to broadcast with a wig and a pokemon mask. (Thanks Dominamedicus), I had to Broadcast without my shirt on for a few minutes (Thanks Rob!)

But I also did some “Amazing” interviews as well.

If you listened to “Wes Emchinterview, you had to keep from breaking down yourself when you listened on how a father who lost his son in combat, talked about the “Lukes Packer Backer” program that he started.  The funds Wes generates from these Green Bay Packer parties, create Scholarships for students from Luke’s old school.  He also supported a Marine Corps charity as well.  The love Wes had and still has for his son and those serving is worn on his sleeve every day.

We had “Doc Pardue” speak to us about what he is doing along with other vets to help those who are coping with PTSD.  Doc himself is a PTSD Survivor so he knows of what he speaks.  Doc is also the National Commander for the “Corpsman & Medic’s Association”.   If you have been around our site for any length of time you know he’s always been here and ready to help.  (The girls in the chat-room swooned when he spoke.. 🙂 )

We heard from “Master Chief “SKI” who is damned pissed off at the pogue who can’t do his job to get packages to those who are serving in Afghanistan in a timely manner.  The great thing? He’s doing something about it.  Master Chief is also working with DeeDee with our “ADOPT A DOC” Program.

We taped “AOTC #99, A DATE THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY” last night as well.  8404 and myself did this live event in a live event, no small feat in itself. 8404 is the producer of these shows, you have to hand it to him for all the work he does.

We took a call from “Marcos” who is really jazzed about joining the Navy but also wants to become a Sub-IDC.  We spoke about how to do it but also about the PA Program as well.

Last but not least we heard from “Rene’ T. Meade”, mother of Caleb (Citrus) as she expounded on what our site meant to her and her son.

Thanks to “DEE DEE” our great editor and mom of the site.  She coaxed Rob into the shirt thing with me.. 🙂

Our chatroom was full as well with visitors as far away as the “Philippines” and in the other direction “Afghanistan”.

I especially want to thank “Craktskull”(sorry Paul!) and “DANM” who were with me till the end.. I was getting really loopy..

None of you were there but we pulled the plug 1 hour early at 0100 CST.  I ran out of things to talk about.  Who knew?
So if you were to ask me was it worth it, You didn’t even get close to the amount you wanted to raise, I would have to say “YES”, for the reasons listed above.

Plus we are not done fundraising yet.  We still have the rest of the month  of December to go.

Doc Ramey won the cups provided by DeeDee, his winning bid was for $50.00.  Thanks Sean!

We would love to have you next week, Wednesday Night @ 2030 EST, as we are taping our last episode for the year 2010, but more important, it’s our 100th Show!
That’s right, we will have produced 100 shows after next Wednesday Night.  We have covered every imaginable topic about being a Doc/Medic.

I have had 4 Co-hosts since I started this show.  8404 the longest and now he produces it prior to us going on live.  Many others have provided interviews with us, or given up time to help us out.

I say “THANK YOU” to you all.. If I missed anyone, it was not on purpose.. I’m wiped out.

Last but not least, I want to thank my family.  Everything you all experience on Corpsman.com is because of  them.  They lend you, the users of this site,  their Husband and Dad.  They give me up so I can do this for little or no money in return. I have the best wife in the world who, while this site drives her nuts every once in a while (Read: When I have to pay the bills for it) She lets her wacky husband live his dream to do shows or write on here.  My Kids: Mikayla, Courtney, Spencer.. Who last night would have done anything to get folks to donate.  I have stuff littered all over the house with ideas to help us.  They give up their Father for hours on end so I can work on the site.  If you think I am on here for maybe 10 min’s a day etc.. you have another thing coming.

Thank you to the Crone Clan!


3 Responses to “Does anyone have any Coffee? After-action report on Telethon”
  1. DeeDee says:

    http://www.facebook.com/whimsical.cauldron – is donating 10% of all sales through Jan 31 to Corpsman.com – If you are on facebook please friend Whimsical Cauldron and check out the “currently available” album – place your order – pay through PayPal – once your item is shipped – 10% goes to Corpsman.com. Each piece is one of a kind – I NEVER duplicate any item exactly – you may see something similar but never exactly the same. I think that your item should be unique and only yours.

  2. Paul says:

    Great show Shipmate….! I’ve only been on a few times myself but could tell you needed someone to stick around during the waning hours. Read all about Wes and his son online after hearing him “on air”…..very inspirational. BZ’s to Pardue and Ski as well. nnHMC(SW/AW/FMF) Paul Bohling, Ret.n”Craktskull” – not Crackhead…..LOL


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  1. […] set out to raise $1500.00 during the event,  and raised $324.99. You can read the report here:  AFTER ACTION REPORT .  You can view all the videos from the Telethon here:  CORPSMAN.COM VIDEOS Some might say we […]