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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

AOTC #67 Final, “What Season is this?”

We recorded AOTC #67 this AM.  It went off without a hitch!

If you listen to the whole thing, I actually kept the after conversation between 8404 and myself as well.

Remember our new time for Taping is on Sundays @ 1115 EST.  You can download the recording usually on Monday or late Sunday Night.

We wish to thank the following people for donations to our site this week.  They heard the call and responded.

  • Daniel Moffett
  • John Brown
  • Alan Friend
  • Deborah McClintock
  • Marcus Harris
  • Mike “0311_Doc” Digaetano
  • and
  • BenPsencik

Thanks again to you all for your generous donation!

YOU can donate as well by clicking any of our Donate buttons on the pages of Corpsman.com.  We need your support!


Topics Covered for Todays Show:

New twice-annual PT test has teeth – Air Force News, news from Iraq – Air Force Times

You’ll have to take the PT test twice a year at a centralized location, what the service is calling “a fitness assessment cell,” and your scores will be recorded by a civilian fitness expert — not another airman — so there’ll be no chance of fudging. The scoring matrix is being retooled as well. Officials say it will be tougher, though the new version won’t be out until July when the updated Air Force Instruction is released.

Lawmaker wants Medal of Honor review – Army News, news from Iraq, – Army Times

A California congressman who served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan convinced the House Armed Services Committee to order a full review of the criteria used for giving awards for gallantry and valor after a senior defense official said technological advancements and new combat tactics might be the reason fewer of the highest medals are being issued. At the urging of Rep. Duncan D. Hunter, R-Calif., a Marine combat veteran elected to Congress in November, the armed services committee has asked for a review of trends in awarding the Medal of Honor to determine if the low number of awards in the current wars is the result of “inadvertent subjective bias amongst commanders.”

Tenn. guard camp helps enlistees get in shape – Army News, news from Iraq, – Army Times

Tenn. guard camp helps enlistees get in shape The Associated Press Posted : Saturday Jun 20, 2009 11:21:24 EDT SMYRNA, Tenn. — A new training camp starts this weekend in Smyrna that is designed to help people slim down and get strong enough to pass the Army’s physical fitness requirements. The Warrior Fit Camp at the National Guard Training Center that started Saturday is a crash course in fitness and nutrition for 25 National Guard enlistees who failed a previous fitness test. The course is designed to help them shape up before they are sent to boot camp. Staff Sgt. Ken Weichert of the Army National Guard created the camp because he’s seen people applying for military service become more “challenged with the waistline.” Weichert said the camp is the pilot for a larger program to be rolled out by the Army across the country in a year.

Bill would let troops cancel more contracts – Navy News, news from Iraq – Navy Times

A Virginia lawmaker wants to expand the rights of service members and families to avoid financial penalties resulting from deployments. Rep. Gerald Connelly, D-Va., wants to build on legislation allowing the cancellation without penalty of cell phone contracts, home and auto leases, and Internet and cable service with some additional protections he calls the Helping Active Duty Deployed Act. “It is unconscionable that members of our armed forces who put their lives on the line to protect our freedom are charged early termination penalties when facing deployment or change of station,” he said. The bill mainly addresses loopholes in protection provided by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

Vet accused of faking paralysis to avoid Iraq – Navy News, news from Iraq – Navy Times

EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. — An Army veteran from Illinois bilked the U.S. government by faking paralysis after a car wreck to get disability benefits and avoid being deployed to Iraq, federal grand jurors allege in indicting the former soldier and his wife. The indictment accusing Jeffrey and Amy Rush of fraud and lying to federal agencies claims the couple stuck to his bogus story that he had lost the use of his legs after the November 2004 rollover crash, just weeks before his Army company from Kansas was shipped off to Iraq without him.

Navy lifts freeze on PCS moves – Navy News, news from Iraq – Navy Times

Navy officials were cleared to begin cutting permanent change-of-station orders Friday, breaking free more than 10,800 sailors and officers whose transfers have been on hold since the end of April. That’s because the service will get $89 million restored to its PCS budget as soon as the president signs the military supplemental budget request. Earlier this year, the money was taken away from the PCS fund to help pay for a $350 million manpower budget shortfall, which was caused when the Navy halted its drawdown.

2nd star denied over board violation – Navy News, news from Iraq – Navy Times

The deputy chief of chaplains is being denied a second star and assignment as chief of chaplains and will instead retire after the Navy’s inspector general found that he “reprised against” his former executive assistant during a captain’s selection board. Rear Adm. Alan T. Baker, the deputy chief of chaplains, “reprised against” his former executive assistant during the chaplain O-6 selection board in February 2008, according to a Naval Inspector General report.

Thanks again and remember you can send comments or questions to our show @ admin1@corpsman.com .

Submissions are due to DeeDee for our Quarterly Newsletter by the 27th of June, you can email them to editor@corpsman.com .

Or you can leave a comment on our Corpsman.com Phone line @ (847) 693-7887 .

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