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Saturday, July 27, 2024

AOTC #95 “The Nations Yacht Club Birthday” Happy Birthday USN!

Yeah it’s taken me a while, for this I apologize. I could not plan for the crud, picking off my kids one after another this week, finally hit Court today.  Gads.. This episode is sponsored by the “VAMortagageCenter.COM”  Please click the links on our site if your looking into using your VA benifits to purchase […]

Buy the book Luminous Base!! Interview Tonight on ATOC #93 Author Bruce Williams-Burden

May 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Shipmates, I will be playing the interview I did with Bruce Williams-Burden tonight, Author of “Luminous Base” tonight on AOTC #93! You can purchase the book here: http://astore.amazon.com/corpsmancom-20/detail/1450516777 , It is a great book on Doc’s dong their duty as MEDVAC Crewmembers who gave the ultimate sacrafice for their country. Hope you listen in tonight!! Tweet

AOTC #80 is Final! Watch it or Download it here!

September 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com Netcasts, Ships Library

AOTC #80 is Final!! Done!! In the Can!! Albeit with a few audio glitches. I didn’t have 8404 nor my music levels high enough, I adjusted them post, but it’s still a little soft. I apologize but you can still hear it all and enjoy the show!! We will be back next Tuesday Night @ […]

AOTC #80 TONIGHT!! 2115 EST! Here Me RANT!!

September 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Fireworks!! There will be FIREWORKS TONIGHT!! Da-Chief will have a full on mow the fences down RANT. Things to discuss or here me blow up on .. –POST 9/11 GI BILL. –CACO Process how it is failing. And other things CPO’s rant about.  (God I hope the Coffee is good tonight!) All this and the […]

AOTC # 79 HM3 James R. Layton in Memoriam–Final

We taped AOTC(Attack of Da-Chief) #79 tonight. http://www.stickam.com/da_chief We started the show with a online memorial to Navy Doc Hero: “HM3 James R. Layton” Who was KIA on 08 Sept 2009 in Afghanistan. After the memorial portion we did the news and commentary of the last 2 weeks. We were online for a full 2 […]

AOTC #71 “We Got New Blood!, New Reserve, FTS CPO’s”

BOOK IT!! STAB IT AND SLAB IT!! AOTC #71 is done! 8404 and Da-Chief hosted the show this AM.  You can download or listen at the bottom of this post, or you can subscribe to our show on ITUNES. The Links to our show are listed below.. Enjoy! USN FTS and Reserve CPO results for […]

AOTC #69 FINAL is now up “She’s a Grand Old Flag”.

It’s a bit late, but better late then never.. AOTC #69 Final is done! Hosts: Da-Chief, 8404 Taped: 05 July 2009. Remember you can listen to us tape these live on Sundays @ 1115 EST (1015 CST) @ http://www.corpsman.com/corpsman-com-live.html Links from this weeks show: VA Assistant Secretary Raises Awareness About Post-9/11 GI Bill – Public […]

Sponsor a AOTC (Attack of Da-Chief) Netcast/Podcast for 1/2 Price!

25 June 2009 Some of our users have inquired on how to Sponsor a Netcast/Podcast. It’s EASY! Usually sponsoring a show costs $50.00 per show.  But for now, beggars can’t be choosers.. 😉 For this week only if you wish to sponsor a show, and you donate $25.00 to our site, You will get a […]

AOTC #67 Final, “What Season is this?”

We recorded AOTC #67 this AM.  It went off without a hitch! If you listen to the whole thing, I actually kept the after conversation between 8404 and myself as well. Remember our new time for Taping is on Sundays @ 1115 EST.  You can download the recording usually on Monday or late Sunday Night. […]


June 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

We are ALIVE!!!! Yes … It LIVES!! AOTC (Attack of Da-Chief) is back tonight better then ever!! #66 is being taped tonight Live on Corpsman.com. Please come and join us @ http://www.corpsman.com/corpsman-com-live.html to join in on the fun. Lots of Good topics for tonight!! ** Celebrate the life of Navy MOH Hero, Doc Whalen **GI […]

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