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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Corpsman.com For Sale? Yes it’s true

October 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Corpsman.com For Sale

Corpsman.com For Sale

6 years is a long time.  It’s a long time to build something up from scratch and then realize you can’t do it anymore physically.

This is what it has come down to for me in the last 4 months.

My Back is really screwed up, I cannot sit at a desk for an extended amount of time, and my Rheumatoid Arthritis is affecting my typing etc in a way where I can’t update the way I would like, or you deserve.

My Neurologist has basically given me the “Come to JESUS” speech, and I have to follow his guidelines, if not for me, for my family.

So the long and short of it is, yes Corpsman.com is up for sale.  I have some feelers out to a few folks who have done something like this in the past, because what I don’t want is to let it go to someone who will just trash all we have built here.

A few folks have asked if I would give it away.

If this were and “ANGLEFIRE” website or “GEOCITIES” I would say yes, but I and my family have put in quite a bit of money throughout the years to make the site what it is today.

I never said this site was a “NON-FOR PROFIT” we never made a profit but it was never classified as a “NOT FOR PROFIT”.

Some of you will think this is a money grabbing scheme, trust me when I say, it’s not.

We were offered quite a bit of money 2 years ago which I turned down, I don’t think I can even come close to this in today’s climate.

I will keep you updated as soon as I have more news, I am not hiding anything, but wanted you all to know.

If your interested (SERIOUSLY) interested in buying the site, please contact me @ admin1@corpsman.com .  I will get back to you shortly.

Thanks Everyone!



One Response to “Corpsman.com For Sale? Yes it’s true”
  1. DeeDee says:

    As sad as it makes me to think that you wouldn't be at the helm I completely understand and know how hard a decision it was for you to make.