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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

We are looking for a few good Women and Men.. To write for our site.

October 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

I just realized that I have been asking for help from contributers for our site via email or on our Podcast, but never on here, the face of Corpsman.com. What an oversight.. I mean a real humdinger. So to rectify this, I am putting out the word. Are you the Uniform police? Are you the […]

This my friend, is why the USMC stands above all.. (Even my Navy)..

If you have seen the movie  or the play “Fiddler on the Roof”, you know the song “TRADITION” Out of all the services, the United States Marine Corps has it in spades. While every other service, I.e the Navy, Army, Air Force, come up with new catch phrases, (“Army of 1” who’s knucklehead idea was […]

TRAIN OUR JUNIOR DOC’S! Don’t stick em in ADMIN Positions! SOAPBOX TIME!

Out of the Woodwork came Doc’s from all over to help one Deploying Doc, Thank you! Thanks to all who heard the call yesterday and came on our forums or left comments for the Doc who just found out he was deploying to Afghanistan. It’s not that he was scared of the deployment for himself, […]

Our “Question of the Day” “Do you have to take Leave on Official Pack-Outs or are you granted Liberty?”

October 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

A member of our forums emailed me this question this morning. It seems, that his LPO is asking him to take leave for his “Official” pack-out. This after his Term leave and everything has been setup, you all know what kind of a hassle that can be if it is changed with PSD. Now to […]

Oh Shi-, Help! (Corpsman.com Forums Post)

I am publishing this post as it was asked on our forums.  It’s a good question, and SpykeCOD has received some valuable advice from his shipmates and those who have deployed before him. Here’s the question: Good Afternoon from US Naval Hospital Guam, Today I was pulled into my Chief’s room to be told I’ve […]

No AOTC tonight, due to family issues (Read: Daughter Sick)

I will reschedule later on this week.  Really it’s ok as I have not been able to mix the last one and get it up on ITUNES. I will probably do that tonight instead.  Migranes are so hard on kids. They Suck, coming from a person who get’s them, I can vouch for the pain. […]

“The DOCS” Navy Creates Graphic Novel to Help Corpsman deal with Stress of Combat Deployments

Someone up at NHRC (Naval Health Research Center) has stepped out of the traditional box for training and have created a tool that I think will speak to thousands of Doc’s. They have created a “Graphic Novel” (A adult Comic book if you will) to help get the word out about stressors and how to […]

Jordan M. Byrd, PFC(MEDIC) US ARMY, KIA 13 OCT 2010 in Afghanistan

October 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Our hearts and Prayers go out to Jordan’s family, friends and fellow Soldiers. 19 years old is truly to young for him to be taken. Corpsman.com Salutes Jordan. Original Article can be found at: CLARKSVILL ONLINE Fort Campbell, KY – A 101st Airborne Division Soldier died October 13th, when conducting a dismounted operation, the unit […]

Corpsman.com For Sale? Yes it’s true

October 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

6 years is a long time.  It’s a long time to build something up from scratch and then realize you can’t do it anymore physically. This is what it has come down to for me in the last 4 months. My Back is really screwed up, I cannot sit at a desk for an extended […]

HM1 Golds Pic of the Week from Afghanistan (Ok went from daily to Week!)

October 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

One of my Shipmate Instructors, Truly hardcore and a great Photographer is taking these while on deployment in Afghanistan. He has graciously given permission for us to display them here as I see fit, so you can see scenes not displayed by the regular press. This photo shows what our Forces are up against. Can […]

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