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Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Thanks for helping Corpsman.com Meet our Goal!!!

Thanks for helping Corpsman.com Meet our Goal!!!

I am updating as fast as I get this new round of donations. I never thought it would go this quick! Thanks everyone!!–D/C

And just like that we have met our goal!!

I want to thank the last 3 folks who just donated to help us meet our goal:

John Young
Kevin Pannell
Richard Canard

You have all put us over our goal of $1500.00 for the next year.

Thanks again everyone, and I am looking forward to a great year serving you all on Corpsman.com!



One Response to “CONGRATULATIONS!! GOAL MET!! Thanks Everyone!!”
  1. Richard Canard says:

    My contribution today was made in honor or Marine Cpl. Eric M. Torbert Jr. who was killed in action in Afganistan on 18 December 2010 and layed to rest on 28 December 2010. I had the honor of serving as one of the pallbearers at the church as a representative of the Lancaster County Detachment Marine Corps League. nnSemper FinRichard CanardnHM2DOC7682