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For all Military Services.
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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The long rumored, Long planned show AOTC #103 Live Thursday Night!

Yes it’s true! We will be back better then ever on Thursday Night for a new AOTC (Attack of Da-Chief) show #103 to be exact. It takes longer then I planned to get 6 feet of snow (Drifts) out of your driveway.  It’s even worse when TEXAS gets 6 inches of snow. All of that […]

#100 AOTC Taping live in 30 minutes!! Join us!! 2130 EST!

December 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Military Family

We go live in a few minutes.  Please join us on our 100th show! Watch live video from corpsman_com on Justin.tv Tweet

We are live for the next 14 Hours for the first Corpsman.com Telethon, Join us!

December 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Watch Live here or jump to http://justin.tv/corpsman_com Watch live video from Corpsman.Com on Justin.tv Tweet