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Sunday, February 9, 2025

UPDATE: Tonight @ 2130 EST..Play it again Sam…..AOTC #103 Take 2….

What doesn’t break you only makes you stronger.. So I am going to giver a whirl again tonight.. We will be trying to tape AOTC #103 tonight @ 2130 EST. I know it’s the weekend but hope you can be there.. D/C Tweet

There were “Gremlins” so I walked away..

There are times in your life where you just have to walk away from what you have planned. Last night was one of them for me. For the first time ever I had to cancel AOTC due to GREMLINS in my system. I.e I had major technical difficulties. When you produce video, everything is dependent […]

AOTC # 103 Live Tonight! (UPDATED: 2130 EST)

We are live Tonight! (UPDATED: 2130 EST) Our main discussion will be about the upcoming move to San Antonio. We will take phone calls as well with questions or comments.  Call us at (847) 693-7887. We will be broadcasting on USTREAM you can watch the video Feed here: Streaming .TV shows by Ustream http://www.ustream.tv/channel/Corpsman-com-Attack-of-Da-Chief-64 Hope […]

The long rumored, Long planned show AOTC #103 Live Thursday Night!

Yes it’s true! We will be back better then ever on Thursday Night for a new AOTC (Attack of Da-Chief) show #103 to be exact. It takes longer then I planned to get 6 feet of snow (Drifts) out of your driveway.  It’s even worse when TEXAS gets 6 inches of snow. All of that […]