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Sunday, February 9, 2025

NETCAST: Attack of Da-Chief (AOTC) #42 Final

Well we got ‘er done. We had some major hiccups tonight during our recording but finally got this episode in the can.

Hosts tonight: Da-Chief, 8404, and PegasusHM.

We apologize for the perceived un-organization, Talkshoe and Skype were dropping us left and right and it was extremely hard to focus during all of it.

Remember you can download this on Itunes “Keyword” Corpsman.com, or you can get it here: AOTC #42

Hope to hear from you next week, it would be great if more of you could come to the taping and call in and ask questions etc.

Next Week’s discussion: Post Election, Baseball World Series (Congrats Phillies), Football, NBA, as well as the updates from Corps School, and of course the phone wars, Tony will give some insight to cell phone contracts, Blackberry Bold, Apple I-Phone, and the Google “ANDROID” G-1.

Hope to see you!



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