A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Things change, but they stay in the family

In 2004, I was privileged to be given the Corpsman.com domain to work with from a former Doc.  His life’s journey had taken him off to do other things.  It was a gift of a lifetime for me.

I love my rate in which I served for 24 years in the GREATEST NAVY in the world.  I served with many outstanding shipmates and Marines, Airmen, Coasties as well as Soldiers during my time in the Navy as well as during retirement.

I want to take this second to thank a few personally here in this article.

Doc Konkle, you let me take this beast on.  You gave up thousands of hours, and lots of $$ so I could keep this going.  The time and efforts you gave to the site that no one knows about are and were appreciated.  You offered up your husband to take care of thousands of Doc’s and their families out there sacrificing our family time for them.  Thanks..

Tracy “CRAZYCAJUN” Barling, HMC(AW,SW,FMF) Retired.  Tracy, Corpsman.com would or never could have been what it is today without your assistance, and your perseverance.  You took many, many many wacky phone calls of tech support from me when I thought I was fixing something and in fact was breaking it.. (This is where I learned to backup prior to a change.!) I can tell you all, Corpsman.com is what it is, the vision, look and feel because of what Crazycajun did for us.  He volunteered hundreds if not thousands of hours to us to work on this beast.  Thanks CHIEF!

8404, (Tony), you are a brother, father, friend, and just the best damn supporter of Doc’s and Marines anyone could want.  Sometimes your “Direct methods” would seem extreme, but were what the Doctor ordered.  You don’t know how much you have meant to me during our Netcasts, my ups and downs.  Your involvement with the Patriot Guard, your mentorship with families grieving from the ultimate loss. Words cannot express what you mean to me personally. Your a true friend.  I hope you stay with this site to help guide these young Doc’s and their families.

DeeDee, “MOM” to us all.  Dee has spent so much of her own time and efforts supporting the Doc community.  Many, Many packages were sent to Doc’s overseas serving in harms way because it was coordinated by her.  Dee has helped with Netcasts as well as the Newsletter, serving as the editor.  She was and is the voice for corpsman.com. Mom, thanks for everything.

DvldocJoe, you my friend, have been through so much since you got involved on the site.  I pray things keep getting better for you.  You have such a big heart.. Keep, Keeping on my friend.

Dan_M  Thanks for all your support of our Netcasts and on the site.

Last but not least, the big reveal…

Chief Indy.  You have supported us ever since you came onboard the site.  You have given a voice from Corps School up here Great Lakes as well as now down in San Antonio.  You have helped hundreds of folks with questions in the forums as well as given tech support on the site.  Thanks Shipmate and congrats on your first child, and to your wife.

Chief Indy as of today is the owner of Corpsman.com.

I was offered twice a crapload of money to buy the site when times were good in the advertising industry online, and twice I turned them down.  I could not see giving the Corpsman.com name over to someone who didn’t care the way I did about our rate and our shipmates and our families.

Times change though.  For me at least I am on a different path in my life.  My journey is taking me off on a different path right now, and because of this, I don’t have the time that you all deserve for Corpsman.com.

Indy in the background has been running things for since February.  He had taken a 50% stake in the site, and he had no idea, that this was what I wanted to do, but had to make sure he was ready for the obligation.

Indy is a HMC who is still serving.  I hope he jumps on here soon and really makes this his vision.  I will still be around and will be helping him update the front end of the news area.  I will still have a voice with his blessing, and will write on here if I have a rant. 🙂

I have been blessed with great shipmates, great friends, brothers and sisters in arms.  Corpsman.com will stand the test of time and will keep our journey true.

Thanks everyone..

Darrell Crone


One Response to “Things change, but they stay in the family”
  1. DeeDee says:

    Da_Chief, first and foremost. It has been my great pleasure to work with you on this site. Your friendship (nah, you’re FAMILY, and you know it) has meant so much to me over the years. I’m glad we met and became family. Good luck on your new path.

    8404, Tony – you are an incredible person. Your love and support has helped so many (me included) I am honored to call you my friend.

    Chief Indy, – what can I say, Corpsman.com couldn’t have a better man leading it into the future. Thank you for keeping the dream alive. Good Luck.

    To all the members of Corpsman.com – thank you for allowing me to put together your newsletter, co-ordinate care packages for so many deployed Docs; and in general for bringing me into your family. You all have a special place in my heart.
