A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
All are Welcome.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

We set out to raise $1500 on our Telethon, we raised $324.99, Please help support Corpsman.com!

Shipmates,  Marines, Soldiers, Airmen HS’s, Veterans, and Family Members, We need your help!! Please help support our efforts on Corpsamn.com! The month of December is our fundraising month where we outwardly solicit for donations to help support Corpsman.com. We held a telethon on Wednesday night.  It was our first time doing this, but will be […]

1st Annual Corpsman.com Telethon Wednesday 1000 till 0200 Thursday CST (08 Dec-09Dec), come watch and support our site!

You ever see the “CRAZY EDDIE” commercials? Ever see one of those crazy Infomercials? Well I will now be lumped into that category as I will do anything to support our site. Starting tomorrow at 1000 CST, I will be filming live until 0200 CST on Thursday. I will take requests, I will study with you […]

Corpsman.com Annual December Fund Drive

Happy Holidays to all! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, Happy Kwanza, Happy Festivus.. (There I think I have it all covered!) December has traditionally been our fundraising month for Corpsman.com.   This is the time where we ask for users to help support our site for another year. December is the only month where we hit […]

Thanksgiving safety brief, come back in one piece!

Last Thanksgiving weekend, 1 Sailor and 1 Marine lost their lives on the nation’s highways. Another 11 were injured in non-fatal traffic accidents. AAA reports that more than 42 million Americans will travel at least 50 miles from home this Thanksgiving weekend, and 94 percent of travelers will reach their destination by driving. The potential for motor […]

President Obama awards Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor –VIDEO

Thanks to MSNBC for the Video. Tweet

Special Holiday Memories? Share them with us.. Corpsman.com

I love my Military, all services, brothers sisters, everyone.. Even the Knuckleheads..  🙂 An idea came to me this morning and I need some assistance from you the corpsman.com readers. Do you have a story or a special memory from the holiday season during your time in the service? If your a family member and […]

Most Visitors in 1 day ever on Corpsman.com, Veterans Day 2010

Thank you. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!! We had our most traffic ever for 1 day on Corpsman.com yesterday.  Between the front page, the forums and Hospital Corpsman.org, we had over 25K visitors yesterday.  So much so it knocked our server offline around 1200.  Lucky for me I was monitoring the site. While I […]

In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. ~José Narosky “Veterans Day 2010”

All those who know me know I struggle to put pen to paper on these holidays. Is Veterans Day a celebration, or a remembrance? I understand that Memorial Day is for remembering those we lost during combat or doing our Nations job in training. Those who are most forgotten though, are those who did the job, […]

Shift Colors, Fall 2010 Edition, and News as to how to receive it. (UPDATE)

One of our earliest posts on this site was about the “SHIFT COLORS” magazine that used to be sent out to Retiree’s.   I also posted the “PDF” of the file as well on our site as I had received permission from BUPERS. I used to get mine in the mail as I am sure […]

Japan official apologizes to U.S. WWII POWs

September 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Retired Veteran News, Seperated Vets News, Vets Issues

TOKYO — Japan’s foreign minister apologized Monday for the suffering of a group of former World War II prisoners of war visiting from the United States and said they were treated inhumanely. The six POWs, their relatives and the daughters of two men who died are the first group of U.S. POWs to visit Japan […]

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