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Friday, July 26, 2024

MMO Weekly Report Nov 11th 2010 Video

I don’t know why but for some reason videos are able to be displayed on Corpsman.com when folks are deployed overseas that won’t play on other web pages.. Someone suggested I put embedded videos on our site so they can view them from Iraq and Afghanistan. We are happy to oblige. If a page offers […]

I now know how to “TRAIN MY DRAGON”.

I saw the best movie of the year (At least so far!) last night with my family. To say I’m surprised is a understatment.   I went in thinking this movie was going to stink, even my oldest daughter (10 years old) thought the same thing. We both came out believers, and are now searching […]

Assassin’s Creed 2 Cinematic Trailer

June 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Entertainment, Gaming PC & Console Info


Microsoft Xbox360 E3 Press Conference Video 01 June 2009 AWESOMNESS

Drooling.. Really Really Drooling, Enjoy! D/C Tweet