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For all Military Services.
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Friday, February 14, 2025

Scuttlebutt Forum Chat & Netcast updates

Greetings fellow Doc’s, Vets, Family Members and Recruits! I know there are a lot of new folks on the site of late.  How do I know this? Because in the forums we are getting asked the same questions over and over again. In our forums we have a thousands and I mean THOUSANDS of posts […]

Corpsman.com, POW for week of 6-12 October 2008

October 5, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

05 OCTOBER 2008 A few things to you all!!, 1st. Please get your submissions to DeeDee @ editor@corpsman.com, If you would like to submit a article for the Scuttlebutt Monthly Newsletter.  Remember the size of the newsletter is dependent upon stories submitted by you, as our entire newsletter is user driven. 2nd, our Attack of […]

The Business State of Corpsman.com, Hosts, IPhones –Oh My…

Folks ask me almost daily how we run Corpsman.com. Today I wanted to enlighten you all to the business of our site and how it works. To start, our site / family is run not only by myself, but several others who spend their valuable time helping shape / build Corpsman.com as well. First the […]

FORCM Weekly Update for "LAST WEEK" 8-14 Sept 2008

“From the Desk of the BUMED FORCE MASTER CHIEF” and Director of the Hospital Corps 8 September 2008 Files for Download: from-the-desk-of-the-forcm-8-sep-08 1.  JANUARY 2009 E7 NAVY WIDE EXAMINATIONS Please review the attached NAVADMIN 250/08. It describes the administration of Cycle 202 E7 Navy-Wide Advancement Examination and FY-10 E7 Selection Board. 2.  SEA SHORE FLOW […]