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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Due to Lack of input Scuttlebutt News is Scuttled for 2010, or is it? It’s up to you…

21 December 2010 It is with sad regret that I announce there will be “NO” scuttlebutt news holiday edition this year. We only had “1” submission and that was from 8404 for the newsletter.  Last year it was over 40 pages.  This year, 12 and all from content Myself, DeeDee & 8404 submitted. Sad, I […]

Issue #27 Scuttlebutt News Corpsman.com Newsletter Hot off the Printer!!

September 30, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Newsletter, Ships Library

Yea!! We got it done on time!! Dee said it would be out today and out it shall be. Thanks to all of you who wrote and submitted stories and pictures. Download the Issue #27 “ HERE” Believe it or not we are already working on the holiday newsletter which is traditionally our biggest.  If […]

Scuttlebutt Issue #26 & Happy 4th of July 2010!

Happy 4th everyone! I hope your all out with your families or are in contact with your loved ones who are away.  Please everyone be safe, don’t drink and drive etc. True to Dee’s word, “Scuttlebutt News #26” is released on the 4th of July!! (<—-Click the Picture or the Hyperlink above to download the […]

Corpsman.com, POW for week of 6-12 October 2008

October 5, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

05 OCTOBER 2008 A few things to you all!!, 1st. Please get your submissions to DeeDee @ editor@corpsman.com, If you would like to submit a article for the Scuttlebutt Monthly Newsletter.  Remember the size of the newsletter is dependent upon stories submitted by you, as our entire newsletter is user driven. 2nd, our Attack of […]