A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community,
For all Military Services.
Past, Present, Future and Relatives of,
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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

AOTC #105 Thursday Night.. 2135 EST.

We will be taping AOTC on Wednesday night at 2130 EST. This will be our mailbag show where we answer all the questions that have been sent to us. That and all the News including the war in the Middle East and the recovery efforts in Japan. Join us! Streaming .TV shows by Ustream http://www.ustream.tv/channel/Corpsman-com-Attack-of-Da-Chief-64 […]

No News is good news? Slow news day?? You got anything?

November 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

I have been perusing.. On days like today, it would be good if some of our users who might have a morsel could feed us a story or 2.. If you have something please email me @ admin1@corpsman.com . Or hit me on up twitter  http://twitter.com/corpsman_com . Gads.. Tweet

Active Duty Chief selection list schedule

I have already been asked “NUMEROUS TIMES” when it will be out.. Understand I am not in anymore, (Retired) but from reading the tea leaves, I see the board started meeting on July 06th. I would expect results in the beginning of August. Last year it was 01 August, but understand the board was pushed […]

Military Times: SITREP June 29th -July 5th


Ahhh Good to be BACK! This and That’s..

April 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Is Spring really here? Yesterday’s game here in Chicago (White Sox) was canceled due to “SNOW”! But as I look out my window right now as I am typing this, it is sunny and the birds our out, squirrels are in “MATING Fever” running all over the place so I am going to take it […]

Whats Up with Corpsman.com?

January 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

Greetings everyone! I wanted to drop a few lines about what is going on and what has been going on with Corpsman.com. First of all I want to thank a few folks who have kept this place running the last few weeks, I will explain why after I thank them.. BZ to 8404, HMC-FMF-PJ, CaZyCaJuN, […]

Poor economy drives more troops to re-enlist

FORT RILEY, Kan. — Sgt. Ryan Nyhus spent 14 months patrolling the deadly streets of Baghdad, where five members of his platoon were shot and one died. As bad as that was, he would rather go back there than take his chances in this brutal job market. Nyhus re-enlisted last week, and in so doing […]

PT.. Good for you… GREAT for me..

September 10, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News, Entertainment

Hey all!! Sorry for the silence.. I am leaving in a few minutes to go PT at the YMCA up in Kenosha, but when I get back, there will be lots’a Doc Goodness to share here on Corpsman.com. Lot’a new news.. PLUS!! Netcast tonight 2110 EST in the Corpsman.com Live page as well as on […]

Iraq: U.S. Fighters to be Disarmed???

WTF?? If this is what is going to happen, it is time to get our folks out of that god forsaken crap hole ASAP.  I don’t want any of our folks there if they cannot fire back or carry a weapon. From the AP, Read Below: BAGHDAD — Iraq’s government is grateful to U.S.-allied Sunni […]

We Need Stories—From YOU!!!

May 29, 2008 by  
Filed under Corpsman.com News

I wanted to ask for help from you all, and I am sure there are some aspiring writers out there who can help us out. BUMED, Army Medicine, Air Force Medicine, and Coast Guard Medicine, are terrible at telling what you the “DOC’S” do. They like to write a bunch of “WONK” stories, and not […]